Thursday 3 May 2007

COG is gaining momentum

I was out and about in Abingdon market on Monday and it was very encouraging to find that a lot of people already knew about COG abd the situation of the Old Gaol. Well done to all those who signed our petition - it will help us a lot in achieving credibility so that we may be listened to when developers make there proposals. I do hope that the Vale does NOT sell the freehold. I have to say that it's far from clear to me that there is any incentive to do so other than prevention of "nuiance" to the Vale Council.

One thing I'm still worried about ids that although this blog is getting a lot of hits, there are very few comments left on it. I wonder if people are being put of by the fromat of the Comments box (whic I can't do anything about). You don't need to sign up for a Google acoount if you click one of the other two option. Anyway I'll keep hoping!


Anonymous said...

Now that the election is over, please can all COG supporters write to their new Councillor so that those who make the decision know how strongly people feel. Names and addresses of Councillors can be found on the Vale website

If you haven't yet signed our petition please do so - there are lots of ways to do it:
- online at our website
- Saturday mornings in the precinct from 12 May
- at the Air & Country Show (6 May) and Dragon Boat Racing (13 May)
- in several town centre shops

If you would like a sticker to put in your car, call in to one of our stalls or contact us by e-mail


Anonymous said...

I am unsure as to why COG has come out now. Why didn't it happen in 04 when you could have chosen an option and promoted it like mad to convince everyone that it was the way to go?

The chicken has been plucked now hasn't it? What can I actually do about anything now?

Barry said...

Thanks for your comment "Confused of Abingdon", it's a good question. COG is a new organisation that didn't exist in 2004, and in fact only had its public launch last month. COG is a small non-polital group of people who want to achieve the best outcome from the present situation. We are not at all happy with aspects of the proposed development, and especially the willingness of the Vale council to sell off the freehold of the Old Gaol. We are collecting signatures on a petition that we hope will give us the possibility of a "voice at the table" during discussions with developers, so that community interests are properly considered.

We believe it is not too late for us to have a significant effect on the outcome of the development and we would appreciate your support by signing the petition if you have not done so already. It can be done on line on our website Thanks again for your interest.