Wednesday 10 October 2007

The Eleventth Hour!

The Vale of the White Horse District Council's secrecy over the future of Abingdon's Old Gaol remains as tight or even tighter than before!. The wishes of townspeople of Abingdon and other local people have been resolutely ignored - amazingly the Vale has refused to discuss any proposal or suggestion from COG (Community in the Old Gaol). COG was formed eighteen months ago to try and ensure that some account was taken of the wishes of the local community in what is to become of this very important part of Abingdon's history.

COG continues to work behind the scenes for the inclusion of community facilities in the redeveloped Old Gaol.

Short listed developers are due to submit their bids and plans to the Vale Council by 22nd October, and to coincide with this, COG is organising an event : -


in Abingdon Market Place on Saturday 20th October at 11.00am prompt.


The Vale found it difficult to ignore the petition that so many of you (now over 5000) signed earlier in the year; we want to show them once again that the Old Gaol really matters to the people of Abingdon and we want to be consulted when important decisions are being made.

Bring something noisy with you – alarm clock, whistle, drum, bell, trumpet….., the louder the better – and join us in a rousing wake up call for the Old Gaol before it is too late.

Chris Brown's jazz trio will be performing as part of this event at 1110am for half an hour.

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